This is not the first blog we have written about a PIM upgrade and I’m sure it won’t be the last, this is because at Asset Handling we are committed to the continuous improvement of our software to give our users the best possible experience.
If you haven’t been introduced before Programme Insight Manager (PIM) is an Integrated Programme Management Solution which provides true insight into every aspect of project performance, allowing users to manage projects in real time on a range of bespoke key metrics.
These metrics include schedules, actions, milestones, budgets and performance while the Lessons Learned feature enables you to improve knowledge and performance by utilising information available from completed projects.
If you’d like to learn more about PIM you can view our demo video here
In May the latest PIM upgrade 1.10 was released to our Clients containing fixes to known issues in addition to system enhancements. These improvements included;
A new project efficiencies form created with the ability to copy and paste information directly from MS Excel. Some Clients had requested this having previously held project data in spreadsheet format and we were happy to oblige.
Again from Client suggestions another new form was created to enable users to edit Project Codes and Attributes in a grid layout. The form is configurable so Admin have the ability to choose which fields appear in grid form.
The Programme Gantt within PIM has been enhanced to display Project Key Milestones. Users will also have the ability to filter to Project Groups, for example Project Manager or Area.
The final enhancement was to enable users to print pdf versions of the Tetris Reports created by PIM.
As ever these improvements don’t mean we are resting on our laurels, development work has already begun on the next update. Stay tuned!