We are all familiar with New Year resolutions, made with the intention of improving ourselves and our lives. Some believe in this, others don’t and either is fine with us.
At Asset Handling we prefer to put our energies into improving our services that is our resolution for 2018, as it has been in previous years.
Our Programme Insight Manager (PIM) service has again been reviewed and updated in line with our commitment to continuous improvement.
Following discussions with clients who provided feedback on what they would like to see the December release on PIM includes;
A new Project Gantt chart allowing users to view Project Details, view linkages between active tasks, view the Baselines Start/End Date, view and choose Baselines to display, view Milestones, Export to PDF option amongst others
The addition of a Heat Map, a key tool used by the Delivery Teams to manage performance and mitigate threats to successful delivery of the capital plan by providing exception reporting on projects and programme performance to enable prioritisation of action. It works by providing a simple RAG flag against a defined set of success criteria associated with each programme, highlighting project success criteria.
A new Activity form
A new Interactive report
The ability to link from PIM to an external system
We are now monitoring these improvements alongside the clients and already planning how we can make the mighty PIM even mightier.